I like movies.
Big movies, small movies, fat movies, tall movies.
[no, that wasn't intended to make sense.]
I also have a habit of watching a movie most every Sunday morning. It's my way of celebrating the Sabbath I suppose.... and in honour of this lovely Sunday morning I present a list of movies that I partiularly enjoy, and hope you will too.
And in an attempt to bring some reason to what could easily be a motley assortment of movies, I went with a theme of relationships-
between star-crossed lovers, brawling brothers, and between a citizen and their city.
So next time you find yourself bored by the basic selection at your local video store, perhaps you'll pick one of these up;
For people who like: Accents, Street Musicians, Dublin, Oscar-Winning Scores
A gorgeous movie about a scruffy Dublin street musician and a beautiful Czech pianist who are drawn together by their intense love of music. But lovers of traditional musicals be fore-warned, their is no spontanious dance number in this film, the music is as natural to the storyline as the grass is to the hills that surround Dublin.
For people who like: Cute little boys, Christmas, Hugh Grant shakin his tush
Possibly my favorite Christmas movie ever, which is a considerable feat. Perhaps achieved by the mere fact that the focus of this movie isn't Christmas- it's love, actually. It's a romantic comedy with considerably more fluff than the usual chick-flick. Runners up include classics [A Christmas Story] and newbies [The Holiday] alike, but Love Actually has in it's short time become a Christmas tradition for me, and worth repeat viewings throughout the year. And really, how can you resist such a great cast? Liam Neeson! Emma Thompson! Severus Snape!
Two for the Road
For people who like: Audrey Hepburn, European Road-Trips, Men in short-shorts
An-unfortunatly- lesser known Hepburn film. About the joys of falling in love, and the pains of falling out of love, and the journey that leads to each. In a world of love stories that end at happily ever after, Two takes the next step into what happens after the young couple runs off into the sunset. Although despite the more realistic scenes of the older, married couple, I can't help but get swept up in my own European travel fantisies watching this film.
For people who like: Movies in Spanish, Futbol, Y Tu Mama Tambien
Gael Garcia Bernal [le swoon] and Diego Luna are the darlings of Mexican cinema, and ever since their pairing in Y Tu Mama Tambien, people [me] have been waiting on baited breath for these two to do another movie together. When they finally reunited, we were blessed with this, an entertaining little number about the volitile relationship between two brothers who are scouted to opposing futbol teams. Schinanigans ensue.
For People who Like: Short films, mimes, Natalie Portman, Paris
The concept of this film sounds hit-or-miss, a collection twenty short films, running about five minutes each, each a dedication to a particualar neighborhood in the city of love. Particularly good for those with short attention spans, the structure is actually very interesting. A favorite of mine would have to be the story of two mimes falling in love as told by their young son.
For people who like: Hearses, Bowl-cuts, and Cougers
A must for any sort of wacky-relationship list, Harold and Maude is a classic. Depressed young man meets granmotherly woman at funeral. Quirky relationship and musings on life ensue.
This list was definitly not difinitive by any means, but hopefully you found it helpfual and were able to ignore my many spelling mistakes.
"I love that word "relationship." Covers all manner of sins, doesn't it?" -Hugh Grant