I'm sure that internet blogs won't change the situation half way around the world. But I have a lot of feelings about the current events going on in Iran. Especially the so called vote-rigging and the safety of the rioters that have been going on.

Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 4:20 PM Posted under
I'm sure that internet blogs won't change the situation half way around the world. But I have a lot of feelings about the current events going on in Iran. Especially the so called vote-rigging and the safety of the rioters that have been going on.
We put a picture of Mousavi as the background on our new Amnesty International Site :)
Ahmadinejad is in no way a capable ruler--the zenophobic attitude that he has is keeping Iran in the state it is now, and the population campaigning for Mousavi is, to me, the only way that they'll ever dig theirselves out of the state their country's in. It takes a progressive attitude to be progressive.
God bless every Iranian standing up against Ahmadinejad. They are the future, like our women who campaigned for the vote, and our "hippies" who believed in peace.